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Recently, an ad popped up to me on social media. It seemed like a very stylish shirt. I said to myself "it fits my style perfectly". It wasn't the first time, I think it was the eight or ninth time I'd seen the same ad. Obviously, I must have looked for a long time that every time I came across it because the algorithm detected that I was interested, and it persistently brought it up to me to get me to pick it up. It was also on sale to a reasonable price, and in the end, the ad prevailed and I ordered the shirt. I followed the brand so that I could buy other products.

Within two or three days, my parcel arrived and I excitedly opened the package and wore the shirt. ‘It looks well on me’ I thought to myself and started to think about which trousers I could combine with. Maybe out of habit, my eyes involuntarily went to the label inside the shirt. When I looked at the fabric, I got disappointed, it's 100 percent polyester, that is plastic. I would not wear the shirt, no matter how stylish it was, and I felt bad. What I needed was that the shirt not only be stylish, but also made of healthy and real material. After all, I am one of those who think that it is at least as important as the food I eat, since it is something that I will touch my skin.

After this incident, what else could that brand sell me?

Maybe I missed it, maybe they gave incomplete information… What does it matter, the connection between us was broken before we could establish it.

So, what is real trading?

Trade is a word meaning "merchandising, shopping". Originally of Arabic origin, a quote from the word ticārat into our language. If we really want to understand commerce, let's first look at how it was born. Sources state that the reason for the emergence of commerce is the desire of man to meet his needs. The key word is “need”. We will revolve around this concept in our discussion of trading. Due to the limited production and resources, man wanted to provide the goods or services that he did not have from someone else, and for this he started to exchange with the goods he had. Later, with the development of the division of labor and the increase in the variety and diversity of commercial goods, a common means of exchange began to be needed. Thus, goods such as bread, gold, beans, pearls began to be used as a means of exchange, like money.

In fact, it would be a bit lacking to look at trade only as a product/money exchange. On this occasion, cultures, rituals, beliefs, ideas and much more are exchanged. Friendships begin, acquaintances open new doors, they can provide gains that are completely different. Think about it, these roads, which were opened only for trade, can be designated as world heritage centuries later.

So if we want to understand trade, we need to understand communication.

Communication; people's perception and transmission to meet needs. It's kind of a process of searching/scanning what you have and what I have. If I can show what I have more correctly and understand correctly who has whatever I need, I start the game 1-0 ahead.

Then on to the process of building relationships, that is, moving on to the shopping dimension. The relationship started when I gave my surplus and took my deficiency. But wait, we are still in the infancy of the business, there is no trust between us yet. But the score is 2-0.

Well, then, when confidence starts to settle down and "neither I will deceive him nor he will deceive me", it's okay now, it means the relationship has reached mastery. Supervision is reduced, everyone is sure of each other! Meaning; the match is won.

It's slowly coming to life for you, isn't it? People of our neighborhood that we have to have relations in order to meet our needs, these people such as; neighborhood tailor Mary, greengrocer Abraham, butcher Adam… Why have you been shopping with them for years? That's exactly what it's about. That's why they try to make the reality of the trade the most realistic. Of course, it is not enough for them to do, it is important that you meet their needs at the same rate. Big bravo to you too.

It is much more visible now what real trade is capable of, isn’t it?

I can almost hear you say, "Oh, is this kind of commerce left, today's e-commerce world". Well, you know, I clicked on it too… Actually we are all aware of the problem but we cannot fully define it.

At the beginning of the article, we said the key word for need. Need simply means lack. A person wants to reach what he sees in himself as missing. If a person is going out, shoes are necessary, otherwise it is a deficiency, it must be completed. Or, if he is hungry, it is a very logical behavior to buy food and satisfy his hunger. Like needing a house for shelter, needing a vehicle for transportation.

The real problem is the confusion of needs and wants.

It is obvious that everyone needs shelter, but they don't actually need a multi-storey villa.

Most people may need a vehicle for transportation, but what about an expensive sports car? But whenever a person thinks that his wishes are necessary, whenever he falls into this illusion, then the film breaks, the fake starts to become real, the real is fake!

Let's come to today's people... We have so many requests, sorry ; needs ! Almost to everything our eyes see, our ears hear, to what feels good!

Do we have what we want in the people around us?


Do we have the ingenuity to meet their needs?


Then money comes into play and I make up for my deficiency with the money I earn.

So what do we really understand by trade right now?

Today, trade does not go beyond people buying/selling goods to meet their “own” desires. Most tradesmen say "things are short/things are bad". Nobody cares, “What need of the consumer did you see and aimed to meet by entering this business?” he doesn't ask. The goal is only money…

People have started to get into that business because the industry is profitable now, because there is money. Construction, textile, food…

Money is not enough, the target is easy money!

In fact, everyone was a telephone guy for a while, why? Because it's so profitable! We have not forgotten the people selling masks all.around the world.

So what's going on?

Profitability drops after a while due to increased supply due to many competitors, and then subsequent bankruptcies arise.

The more requests waiting to be met, the more money I need.

The method to earn more is as follows; Don't find what they need, make everyone feel what they need. It's very simple but very effective isn't it?

This is exactly what makes our century, and even the last decade, even worse. Let alone the need, a person is drawn into a virtual world that he believes as if he needs it. The person who reaches that product with a feeling of lack realizes that he does not have happiness at all. He becomes even more unhappy and in need of consuming more than yesterday!

And more consumption…

And more unhappy…

And even more lonely...

Even more unrelated…

Even more uncommunicative…

So what is the essence of trade? To satisfy mutual need. If I can fill your lack of "truth", you will be able to give me what I don't have. If you don't have it, whatever it is, it will find me, don't worry.

So what is needed for this? To concentrate on the other side, that is, to perceive it deeply. This is one of the most important behaviors that cannot be found today. People who are in so much transference trouble are not aware of what the other person needs… How much do they care, though, is a question mark!

The customer will want to buy first. The other party will demand it. Before this request occurs in the customer, I will only give the product I have to him. Because a person does not want something to be sold to him, he wants to buy it. It's like trying to teach something to a student at school. If we tell history for hours to a child who doesn't want it, it's useless "our child doesn't understand!" we say. When he takes the entertainers in his hands, becomes hungry for learning, then we don't need to explain, he starts learning himself. And if we complete the happiness of buying it with the thing that you will really need, it means that the job is done for taste.

This is the real trade;

  • Concentrate on your target audience.
  • Decipher his unconscious need.
  • Tell him about it in the most accessible medium.

Then just sit back because you did what no one else did,

life never leaves it without reward!


  1. 👏👏 elinize sağlık

  2. reals .. Like it

  3. I enjoyed reading it, useful article

  4. My grandfather had very experience about trading.ı can say that theese advices are compatible with HIS behaviours.

  5. Really golden rule like golden goal 😊🙏

  6. A great article that must be read by those who want to gain real & permanent success in commercial life.

  7. Its a good article about trade and its rules. Thank u very much👍

  8. Very good article 👍

  9. Thanks for these beneficial rules...

  10. very nice article. congratulations

  11. Everybody wants to earn lots of money, but nobody knows the strategies. So It is so usefull essay. Thanks

  12. Great details about Trade..I

  13. Allah is the one who gives his need to the person in need.
    I read it just when I needed it.
    Thanks a lot 🌷

  14. Very nice👌 thank you

  15. Teşekkürler. Herkesin ihtiyacı olan bilgiler.

  16. Congratulations
    Good article

  17. The key word is “need”, Clear...

  18. Focusing on others needs is the key. 👍👍

  19. A lot to learn


  21. may i be able to perceive and apply the golden rule of trade

  22. Güner Tozkoparan22 Nisan 2024 21:23


  23. The key word is “need”. when we put our needs in correct place we can solve any problem we have

  24. Real trade is based on understanding and meeting mutual needs.


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